Tutors' perspectives on the integration of information and communication technology in early-grade teacher colleges in Tanzania
early-grade, early childhood education, e-learning, digital competence, pre-service teacher, digital literacyAbstract
This study aimed to explore college tutors' perspectives on the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching pre-service early-grade teachers in teacher colleges in Tanzania. The study was guided by two research objectives: (1) to investigate the professional learning support tutors receive and (2) to examine the factors impeding the integration of ICT in teaching pre-service early childhood teachers in the classroom. The purposive sampling technique was employed in sampling the four teacher colleges and four principals, while the convenience sampling technique was used to sample the 41 tutors who participated in this study. A collective case study design was used to explore participants' perspectives on the deployment of ICT integration in their daily teaching. Data collected from the participants were thematically analysed. The study findings show that the majority of tutors had limited regular professional training opportunities on the integration of ICT in teaching. The study findings revealed several factors hindering tutors from integrating ICT in their teaching, including limited technological resources, lack of technical support, unreliable internet, absence of integration guides, insufficient digital security knowledge, lack of familiarity with learning management systems, low digital competence, and outdated technological devices. The study, therefore, concludes that inadequate integration of ICT among tutors exacerbates limited acquisition of the necessary digital literacy skills among early-grade pre-service teachers. In this regard, the study recommends that the government should engage tutors in regular training on the use of ICT in classroom practices. Furthermore, ICT tools and devices should be available in teacher colleges for tutors to utilise in their instructional practices for pre-service early childhood teachers.
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Accepted 2024-11-14
Published 2024-12-20