Ergonomic aspects of computer-oriented pedagogical technologies implementation in teaching foreign languages to students of higher education institutions
pedagogical foreign language learning technologies, instrumental technologies, technologies of technical teaching aids application, computer learning technologies, ergonomic approach, learning environment designAbstract
The paper reveals the content of the research aimed at studying the possibilities of computer-oriented technologies in the intensification of teaching foreign languages to students of non-linguistic specialties. The content of pedagogical foreign language learning technologies has been characterized; their classification has been carried out. The role, place and advantages of instrumental technologies in teaching methods update of a foreign language in the digital society have been shown. The main types of instrumental technologies that allow to increase the efficiency of teaching foreign languages have been identified, among them the following ones have been mentioned: technologies of technical teaching aids application, computer learning technologies, telecommunication technologies, and hybrid model of instrumental technologies. The leading part of ergonomic principles and methods for designing a learning environment that provides the most optimal ratio of modern digital and traditional intensive technologies for learning foreign languages have been emphasized. The criteria have been formulated, the methodology for diagnosing the level of ergonomics of the educational environment using the method of expert assessments has been disclosed. The positive dynamics in the level of ergonomics of the educational environment, which is designed on the basis of the use of instrumental technologies for teaching foreign languages, has been shown. The conclusions regarding the effectiveness of methodological approaches to designing an ergonomic educational environment using instrumental technologies for teaching a foreign language have been formulated.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mariia O. Kuts, Olena O. Lavrentieva
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2022-01-20
Published 2022-02-05