Efficient model of PID controller of unmanned aerial vehicle
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The modern stage of science and technology development is distinguished by the widespread use of digital signal processing. The use of digital processing for effective control of aircraft and other technical equipment remains relevant for many industries. The paper considers the problem of building a model of a digital PID-regulator, which can be used in unmanned aerial vehicles. It is proposed to base the regulator on the methods of digital filtering (realisation of the differential component using a digital filter with a finite impulse response). Calculation of digital filter coefficients is performed using genetic algorithm. This approach allows to increase the accuracy of the model, to provide the calculation of PID-regulator coefficients using classical PID-regulator methods. The software on Python programming language realizing the proposed method has been developed. The effectiveness of the developed model is demonstrated in simulation.
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Accepted 2023-10-26
Published 2023-10-30
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