Creation of multimedia content of the cloud-based learning environment in Technical Lyceum
Authoring Tools, cloud-based learning environment, content management system, MOODLE, H5P, multimedia content, HTML5, Technical LyceumAbstract
The aim of research: filling multimedia content cloud-based learning environment of secondary school. The objectives of research: analysis of Authoring Tools to fill a cloud-based learning environment of secondary school, experimental application of the H5P to create multimedia content based on HTML5 cloud-based learning environment Technical Lyceum. The object of research: Authoring Tools for cloud-based learning environment. The subject of research: H5P tool for creating multimedia content based on HTML5. The methods of research: analysis of state standards, statistics and, pedagogical experience and publications, analysis of software. Results of research: Authoring Tools is software that is intended for designing e-learning materials (rates) while preserving the received product formats: HTML, Flash, SCORM, etc. With existing content management systems can be easily created to reproduce materials. With H5P possible to create about 20 kinds of independent multimedia content compatible with a full range of web browsers and devices with touch interface support for phones and tablets. Thus H5P is a means to create, share and reuse content in an multimedia format HTML5 training courses for cloud-based learning environment of secondary school with many opportunities to study learning material and assessment of pupils. The main conclusions and recommendations: it is advisable to use the H5P to study the learning material and assessment of pupils. Results of the research is planned to generalize to form recommendations for filling multimedia content of the cloud-based learning environment of secondary school.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2016-04-26
Published 2017-03-21